Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pregnancy Update Part 2

Well, it seems as though my original due date of August 6th might be more accurate. Brooklyn still hasn't even dropped and I'm only 2cm dilated (I was 2 cm dilated for 3 weeks before Hayden was born). Since everything looked good on the Ultrasound last week - amniotic fluid level and placenta were normal - there's no rush to induce. I'm having about 2-3 Braxton Hicks contractions an hour, but nothing strong enough to even get me excited.

Brooklyn can't come soon enough. Today is supposed to hit record-breaking temperatures in Bellevue and Seattle. My car read 106 degrees at 2pm today when I was on my way home from the doctor's office. Phil, Hayden, and I are staying cool at my in-law's house. They have a heat-pump so their house is much cooler than ours. Around 74 right now and even cooler in their basement living room. I had a pretty good night's sleep last night and my toes even got chilly under the fan. :)

It's actually a good thing that I didn't have her on my due date because the hospital apparently lost power until about 1pm yesterday and was running on emergency back-up systems, which didn't include the AC! Phew! Good thing we weren't there then!

The other nice thing about staying with my in-laws is that Hayden is getting more comfortable staying here. We even have him sleeping in the twin-bed ("Big Boy Bed") with guard rails, which he seems to enjoy. So when the time does come for him to need to stay here for a night when we're in the hospital, I'm not going to worry about him (as much!). And their community also has a swimming pool so we've gone up there in the evening to cool off and Hayden LOVES the pool now. I am so thankful for my in-laws!!

So the game plan is... wait. I have ANOTHER doctor check-up scheduled for next week, August 5th, and at that point, if she still hasn't arrived, the doctor said we can put me on a waiting list with the hospital to be induced as soon as they have an opening. But since it still would be considered "elective", I'd be at the bottom of the waiting list and it could still be a few days after that before the hospital can get me in. Ugh! I almost wish they never even changed the due date from August 6th, because then maybe I wouldn't be so DONE already!

Brooklyn, everyone is so excited to meet you. Please come soon!

Update: The official temperature in Bellevue on July 29th was 108 degrees, breaking an all-time heat record.

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