Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pregnancy Update

Anyone who followed my blog with Hayden might remember that I was getting pretty annoyed by the end of my pregnancy with the lineup of questions by EVERY SINGLE PERSON I come in contact with. Whether it's at the grocery store, restaurant, the Mall, gas station, or anywhere, pretty much the first thing out of anyone's mouth when they see me is, "When are you due?", and then the rest of the conversation is just as predictable:

ME: July 28th
THEM: "Oh, wow, that's coming up soon! Do you know what you're having?"
ME: "Yup, it's a girl."
THEM: "Oh, how perfect, one of each." (if Hayden is with me. If he's not, then there's also the "Is it your first?" question right after "When are you due?")
ME: "Yup. We're very blessed."
THEM: "How are you feeling?"
ME: "Great! I'm excited to meet her."
THEM: "How old is your little boy?"
ME: "He turned 2 in May."
THEM: "Oh, that's a great age difference. He's going to be a great Big Brother."
ME: "Yes, I think so."
THEM: "Well good luck with everything."
ME: "Thanks."

(Now can I walk 10 more feet without the same conversation happening again?!)

So the script goes. Multiply that about 5-10 times a day, depending on how many people I see, and that is my day. Some days I don't mind so much. But other days, I just don't feel like going through the whole script again, and I try to signal with my tone of voice, quick answers and no eye contact that I'm not in the mood to be chatty. They must think I'm such a hormonal bitch. Yes, some days, I am.

Oh, and I also get the occasional, "You're so tiny!" or "You're so big!" (yes, on the same day) and "Where are you delivering?" One woman even told me she knew I was having a girl because I was carrying so high. And down the next aisle at the grocery store a different woman asked if I carried my 1st child so low, too. HMMM... Yes, everyone is an expert. Sigh...

SO, here are my REAL answers, for those of you who want more than the script:

Due Date:
My original due date was August 6th, but after a couple Ultrasounds had her measuring on the bigger side, it was changed to July 28th. Due dates are tricky when you have early pregnancy bleeding. But really, due dates are meaningless. According to the doctor today, I could deliver tomorrow, I could deliver in 3 weeks. The only thing certain is that if she hasn't arrived by August 6th, they will induce me. I am already 1 cm dilated, her head is down, but she hasn't dropped. The doc said with 2nd babies, my body knows what to do and things can happen quicker, so to be prepared for her to come any day now. No long distances away from a hospital, husband instructed to keep cell phone on at all times, install the infant car seat, and get the hospital bag ready. If I had my say, I'd want to have her after July 31st, so that Phil's 5-week paternity leave will carry through Labor Day weekend, when we have a big Lott Family retreat at the Oregon Coast. Otherwise, he has to go back to work for a few days, then use holiday pay to take the extra days off that week.

How am I feeling?
Well, in case you can't tell from my opening rant... I feel irritable. For starts. Poor Phil is having to hear me constantly complaining, whining, or asking him to get something for me. Phil is my sounding board and therapist.

Also, my back is really hurting now. Shoulders, middle, lower, tailbone, you name it. Phil is my masseuse, bender, and lifter.

I have an insatiable sweet tooth, so I'm stuffing my face with ice cream, brownies, cookies, ice cream, donuts, ice cream, candy, and did I mention ice cream? I ate so much better when I was pregnant with Hayden. I feel guilty.

I've gained 35 lbs so far this pregnancy. I think with Hayden, I gained 25-30, but my starting weight was higher, so I think I weigh about the same now as then. My ankles are swollen. My face is rounder and jaw line less noticeable. My upper arms are chubbier. Even maternity clothes are starting to be too small.

And one of these days after the "How are you feeling?" question, I am going to tell a perfect stranger, "Hemorrhoids suck."

The house is as ready as we need to be. Since Brooklyn will be in our room for the first 2-3 months, we haven't totally gotten everything ready in the room. I think it might be a better transition for Hayden anyway not to have his room change too drastically overnight. But all that's left to do, really, is to repaint the accent wall green from blue, and replace the curtains. I think it will be best to paint sometime when Hayden can have a sleepover at Grandma's so the room can air out anyway.

More than anything, I'm nervous about how Hayden will react to his baby sister. More specifically, how he will react to Mommy not always being able to pick him up or give him attention immediately when he wants it. I know this will be a good lesson for him to learn, but I can only imagine what that feels like from his perspective. It breaks my heart that he might feel rejected, displaced, unwanted, or unloved.

But he did the sweetest thing the other night. He kissed me goodnight and started up the stairs with Daddy as usual, and after about 2 stairs up, he stopped, turned around, ran back to me, and kissed my belly good night. (We have been asking him to give baby sister a kiss occasionally, but this was totally on his own!) Phil and I just stared at each other in awe of what a thoughtful thing that was. On another side note of something sweet Hayden did... he noticed a little scab on the back of my ankle I got the other day at the pool, and he pointed to it and said "Boo Boo Knee" (which is the phrase he says anytime any body part gets hurt) and then he leaned over and kissed my boo boo like I kiss his!! How adorable is that?!

For fear of going off on another rant, I'm going to leave this blog post on that high note.

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