Sunday, June 21, 2009

Brooklyn's Baby Shower

My sisters and mom threw me and Brooklyn a little "Baby Sprinkle" brunch on Saturday. Since we already have a lot of baby stuff from Hayden, there wasn't much we needed besides some girl clothes, but it also a fun excuse to get together with friends and family to celebrate the coming arrival of a new life.

It was a wonderful shower, that had a rough start. My sister Nicole had just completed finals for her Interior Design program, moved into a new apartment the day before, and threw a party for her Interior Design department the night before, and then on top of all that was getting stuff ready for the shower, which was being held at her former apartment's cabana. Needless to say, she was already stressed out! The management was supposed to drop off the key to the cabana that morning, and the shower was scheduled to start at 10:30am. But no key. It took until about 10am for her to get a hold of someone, who was out on a boat, and the other person with a key lived about a half hour away. So my sisters and mom had to get what they could ready in Nicole's empty and thoroughly cleaned old apartment (thankfully she still had her keys to that!). Finally the woman with the key showed up around 10:30 and we were able to get into the cabana and quickly get decorations and food set up.

For the main brunch meal, my sister-in-law Katie made a delicious-looking egg strata. Unfortunately, when she took it out of the oven, she put the glass dish on the cold granite counters and within a minute we heard a popping sound and a crash. The glass dish had shattered. The whole egg strata was ruined because there were bits of tiny glass everywhere. Pieces of glass even fell inches behind Hayden but luckily his face was turned the other way. Who knew? I felt so bad for my sister-in-law for all the time and effort she put into making the dish. At least we still had crescents, sausage patties, and fruit to eat... and Mimosas!

Instead of the traditional baby shower games, the guests decorated plain white bibs with fabric paints and felt. It was a fun activity. I couldn't resist participating too.

And thanks to some wonderful gifts from everyone, Brooklyn is going to be one stylish girl! But I have to say my favorite gift was the photo album my sister-in-law made for us. It's made of fabric and has family photos on each page, printed on the fabric. Katie included pictures of everyone on each side of our family, all the great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, and cousins (except for cousin Madison, who was born the day before!). Hayden loved it and I know Brooklyn will too. It brought tears to my eyes, and to the Grandmas there too. Katie is such a crafty person and this gift was very special.

So even though not everything went perfectly, I felt truly blessed by the event and appreciate all the hard work and generosity of everyone. Thank you!!

I just learned how to link to a whole photo album on my blog, so now I don't have to upload pictures one-by-one. Check out this link to view the whole Baby Shower photo album:
Brooklyn's Baby Shower

Please let me know if you have any problems viewing the album.

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