Monday, December 8, 2008

Santa Photo

I took Hayden to get his Santa photo taken last week. I was pretty sure we were going to have a red-faced screaming/crying shot, given Hayden's previous reactions to being placed anywhere and me walking away from him, not to mention on Santa's LAP! So I took him to Factoria Mall, where we recently met Santa at the Tim Noah concert. The Mall was completely quiet on a Tuesday mid-morning. With no one at all in line for Santa, they were more than happy to take their time with Hayden and let him get used to the situation. I brought a Christmas book that Hayden likes and gave it to Santa. After Hayden got a good look at the penguins and snowmen on display in Santa's North Pole set, Santa was able to lure Hayden closer with the book. I sat Hayden on Santa's lap as he read the book and I stood right next to him. By the end of the book, I was able to slip away and the photographer was able to get a bunch of photos. I was shocked that Hayden never cried! A few times he even smiled at the photographer's Goofy doll antics. Even though she was unable to capture a great smile in the photo, I'm just thrilled he looks as content as he does! Yay! Santa experience a success!! I even let Hayden eat some of the candy cane from Santa, and boy, did he LOVE that! No coal in Hayden's stocking! :)


Annie said...

Yay! What a cute picture, and I love his hat :)
Maybe I'll take Lucy to Factoria... and she is definitely scared of Santa!

Katie said...

Look at that little man! Way too cute!