Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hayden is 18 Months Old

Hard to believe that it's already been a year and a half since Hayden entered our lives. Every day he continues to amaze me and make me thank God for him.

Here are his "official" 18-month stats. I say "official" because he was so upset at the doctor's office that I'm not sure if he was still long enough to get an accurate height and weight reading.

HEIGHT: 34 inches (90th percentile)
WEIGHT: 26 lbs, 1 oz. (55th percentile)
HEAD CIRC: 19.5 in (85th percentile)


Trucks, Buses, Cars, and Trains
Gears, wheels and ceiling fans (things that spin)
Books (Favorites: Hop on Pop, Go Dog Go, My First Trucks, Goodnight Moon, Runaway Bunny, Five Silly Monkeys, Thank You God, all the Sandra Boynton books, and a handful of others)
Food (Especially Broccoli, Black Beans, Veggie Booty, Edamame, Fish, Oatmeal, Blueberry Pancakes, almost all Fruits & Vegetables, Breads, Cookies/Animal Crackers, frozen bananas and grapes)
Brushing his teeth
Dogs - from a distance, in books, or stuffed
Super Why
Cookie Monster
Being chased
Horsey Rides

Getting his face washed after meals (getting better)
Real dogs barking
Loud noises (like the Power Drill or Vacuum)
Getting his diaper changed
Strangers holding him
Mashed potatoes
Cottage Cheese

Climbing up and down stairs
Climbing on the coffee table and couch
Spinning in circles
Somersaults (unassisted!)
Shape Sorters
Stacking descending-sized buckets into a tall dower
Eating with a spoon and fork
Drinking from a cup without assistance
Showing the number 1, 4 and 5 on his fingers
Blowing Kisses
Blowing air (like the wind)
Whistling (seriously!)
Fake Snoring sounds and laying his head on a pillow
Lots of different animal sounds: Meow, Horse's snort, Pig's snort, Moo, Baa, Naa, Lion's Roar, Cock-A-Doodle, Donkey's Hee-Haw, Monkey's OO-OO-Ah-Ah
Following simple directions (put things in garbage, bring me a book, sit down)
Using manners - Please and Thank You in sign language
Pointing to body parts when asked (nose, knee, toes, eyes, ears, hair)
Pointing to things in books when asked (like "Where's the cat?", "Where's the garbage can?", "Where's the moon?")
Sign Language: More, Please, Thank You, Milk, Bye Bye, Change (diaper), Cookie, All Done, Cold
Words: Mommy ("MumMum"), Daddy, Papa, Grandma ("Maa"), Mail Man, Hi, Bye Bye, Truck ("Tt"), Car ("dAR" - spoken like a Pirate!), Help ("Puh"), Dog ("dGO"), Boo-Boo, Ice, Brr, Juice, Ball, Uh-Oh, LaLaLa (sing!), door. Some words are a little less clear -- gears, shoes, garage, fan, table -- you would only know if you knew "his language" like Mommy and Daddy do.
Saying "Hhhh" when he sees the letter "H" or when asked, "What does the H say?"

7:30am - Wake Up
8:00am - Breakfast
10:30am - Snack
12:15pm - Lunch
1:00pm - Nap
3:30pm - Wake Up from Nap, Snack
5:30pm - Dinner
7:00pm - Start Bedtime routine
7:30pm - Asleep for the night

He had a cold about 3 weeks ago, and the cough has been lingering. He wakes up a couple times at night and we'll give him some water and he'll go right back to sleep. We are so happy that he is a good sleeper and napper.

He's showing an interest in the toilet, and we have a Potty Seat his size, but he doesn't like to sit on it, yet. We have a couple books about going Potty and he likes those a lot, but isn't ready to sit on the potty. We are going to be patient and not push it.

I'm also happy to report that he has been doing great with all dairy products now, and drinks 6 oz of Whole Milk with each meal - 5 oz Cow's Milk, + 1 oz Goat's Milk. We have been transitioning off the Goat's Milk and he'll be 100% Cow's Milk as soon as the last of this carton of Goat's milk is gone. :) YAY!! He likes cheese, too!

Sick Day with Daddy:

All dressed up for dinner out to celebrate Auntie Nicki's 30th Birthday:

Maggiano's Dinner with Grandma Judi for Nicki's Birthday:

Daddy's hair is tickly and tastes funny:

"Hayden, let's get your shoes on!":

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I love that outfit with the gray sweater and that cute hat - very styley. of course. :)