Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aquarium Visit

This past Saturday, November 8th, was Phil's Dad's birthday (as well as my sister's 30th birthday) so all the Lott family celebrated by visiting the Seattle Aquarium. Hayden really enjoyed the Tide Pool area where you get to put your hands in the water, but threw a little tantrum when we wouldn't let him go IN the water. He seems to be having more of those lately. Phil and I have to work hard at not laughing because he's so dang cute sometimes when he throws a tantrum.

He also enjoyed the Jelly Fish. They circle around you in a glass tunnel.

We had to speed through the rest of the aquarium because he was hungry and cranky for a nap. It's hard to schedule big group outings because everyone has a different schedule. I had hoped Hayden would be more flexible. After we went home and had a good long nap, we returned to Phil's parent's house for a big Lott dinner with everyone once again. Hayden was in better spirits then, and loved playing with his older cousins, Jude and Ethan. I also gave him some of the lemon meringue birthday pie for dessert and he LOVED it! What a day!

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