Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Day at the Farm

Hayden and I visited my Grandpa Doug this week on his birthday. While my Aunt, Grandma and cousin were exploring the Oregon Coast, we decided Grandpa shouldn't celebrate his birthday alone. We went to visit him on my Aunt's farm in Black Diamond, WA where he was helping look after the animals. Hayden had a great experience watching Grandpa feed the horses some carrots. They are noisy eaters! Hayden was a little too timid to pet the horses, but was blowing raspberries at "What does the horsey say?" and was mesmerized by their every movement.

He was also saying a high-pitched "Maw!" when the barn cat, Oreo came around.

He really enjoyed getting to stick his hands in the chicken feed and hear them clucking around. Grandpa let him touch the eggs. There was a rooster on the farm next door that cock-a-doodled quite frequently, and Hayden also tried mimicking those noises. Adorable.

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