Friday, August 22, 2008

15 Months Old

Hayden turned 15 months old on Wednesday, August 20th. He had his Well-Baby Doctor visit today and here are his official stats:

Weight: 24 lbs, 10 oz. (50th percentile)
Height: 33 1/2 " (+97th percentile)
Head Circumference: 19" (75th percentile)

He is super healthy all around. Although he didn't enjoy the poking and prodding of the doctor and definitely didn't like the 2 shots he had to get. :(

Hayden's been doing well so far as we've been introducing dairy back into his diet. Yogurt, hard cheeses and goat's milk have all been ok as far as I can tell. The pediatrician advised sticking with the goat's milk if that's working for him until 18 months, and then try to transition him from goat's to cow's milk an ounce a week at a time.

Phil and I celebrated our 9th anniversary on the 14th by going to a movie and The Cheesecake Factory. Now that I can eat dairy, I totally indulged on some fettuccine alfredo and cheesecake. And gained 5 lbs already. Nice.

So I have yet to spend an overnight away from Hayden, but I'm ready, and it's just a matter of when and where. We decided not to go away for the weekend because Saturday was the Lott family reunion in Centralia. I barely got to visit with anyone because Hayden continues to have a tough time in large crowds and gets really clingy to me when a lot of relatives are around. It's strange because at Stroller Strides and at PEPS he is crawling all over the other moms, so maybe it's a male thing. We've also learned that the minute we arrive, we can't just hand him off to other relatives, not even Grandma. I have been assured by many experienced moms that this "Stranger Anxiety" phase is totally normal and healthy, and that he will grow out of it. But I feel a little bad that Hayden just wanted to be off cruising around all the cars in the driveway rather than be social.

The weather has been pretty crummy this week and I'm not ready for summer to be over already. Phil is going to take the week of Labor Day off work to hang out with us more and celebrate my birthday. He's also training for the Kirkland Triathlon.

Mr. Serious

I love my boy.

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