Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brooklyn's 2-Week Stats

We had Brooklyn's 2-week Well Baby doctor visit yesterday and the doctor couldn't have been more pleased with her health. Here are the official 2-week stats:

Weight: 10 lbs, 3 oz. (97th percentile)
Length: 22 3/4" (97th percentile)
Head Circumference: 14 3/4" (90th percentile)

So she's all proportional! :)
The doctor said it's unusual for a big baby not to loose a lot of weight in the beginning so he was really surprised that she was already back above her birth weight. We also think her birth length must have been a little inaccurate. Growing 2 1/4" in 2 weeks seems impossible!

She is spitting up a lot, so I was very happy to learn she is gaining weight. Unfortunately, it looks like the burp cloth is my new best friend.

Sleeping is going ok. She is co-sleeping with us right now. When I put her in the bassinet in our room, her little noises, gurgles, and gags make me too nervous and I keep getting up to check on her, eventually giving in and bringing her into bed with me. She seems to sleep so much better all snuggled up next to Mommy. But I know we need to transition her out of our bed before she becomes dependent on it. I love the cuddles now, but we're going to want our bed to ourselves at some point. And since Phil is such a sound sleeper, it's hard for me not to worry about him rolling over or pulling blankets up too high. I guess I worry no matter what. That's a Mom's job, right?

We had a great visit with Grandma Judi and Grandpa Mark. I hope they come back again soon. My little sister Ali visits on Friday for a few days, before she heads off to start college (!).

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