Friday, January 9, 2009

Little Maestro Concert

Today we attended "Goldyhands & The Three Bows" Little Maestro concert at Bellevue's Meydenbauer Theater with our PEPS group. It was Hayden's first concert or experience with any theater (Ok, he went to the movies with me when he was 2 months old and slept the whole time).

We were supposed to attend a different Little Maestro Nutcracker move-along/sing-along concert at the Issaquah Village Theater in December, but the snowstorm unfortunately canceled that event.

All the little ones got dressed up SO CUTE and we tried to get a group shot of all 6 kiddos, but could never assemble them all in the same area long enough. Here's a few of the cuties with their Mamas:

The show was led by Lisa & Linda - twin sisters in their 30s or 40s who sang and played piano and wore glittery gold costumes and lots of makeup. It kind of mirrored the Goldilocks & The Three Bears story and featured a String Trio made up of a Bass Cello (Papa Bow), Cello (Mama Bow), and Viola (Baby Bow) dressed in black with Bear Ears (woohoo!), playing Vivaldi’s Four Seasons music and other sing-along songs. There was a lot of hand-motion (sign language) with the singing, so that got most of the audience participating.

But Hayden was not interested. He wouldn't sit on my lap for longer than 2 minutes. He just wanted to dig through his diaper bag on the floor in front of the seat and play with his green cement truck and eat snacks. Occasionally, he'd stand up and peek between the seats in front of us to catch a glimpse of the show.

The concert was only 45 minutes, an appropriate length I think for this age group. It was supposed to be geared for ages 1-5, but it probably needed to be a bit more lively to hold their attention. There were some pretty slow spots. And the stage was very simple. No set design, really. That might have helped give things more visual interest for the kids.

Some of the other kids Hayden's age were doing great, though. Sitting on their mom's lap, clapping along, watching the action on the stage. But throughout the theater, a lot of toddlers were fidgety and roaming around the aisles. I guess Hayden's pretty normal.

I thought Hayden would have liked it more because he normally loves music and doing sign-language motions to songs (like Itsy Bitsy Spider and 5 Little Monkeys). Maybe he was paying attention in his own way. :) Why should I assume that just because he didn't sit perfectly in a seat with eyes glued to the stage that he wasn't enjoying the music? Maybe he loved it! There certainly wasn't much to look at anyway, so maybe he was just concentrating on listening.

After the concert we all enjoyed lunch at Chipotle. It was a fun date with all our friends, despite how this post sounds like I'm complaining a lot! I think next time, though, we might have better luck with The Wiggles!

1 comment:

Annie said...

That is such a great picture of you and Hayden!
I don't think that Lucy would have stayed seated either.
Good effort though, and maybe you are right-- maybe he appreciated the music in his own way!