Saturday, January 3, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wow, I feel really behind on my blogging. There are too many pictures to post, so I put together a Shutterfly slideshow you can view here. Tip: hover your mouse in the upper right corner of the slideshow screen, click on the "Options" menu and select "Show Titles" and Show Captions".

We spent Christmas Eve at home and only had to walk a block to our Mosaic church service that evening at Blakely Hall. Hayden was a restless handful during the service so I don't think I caught much of Pastor Barry's message, but it was still nice to remember Christ's birth with singing and candle lighting.

On Christmas morning we awoke to a beautiful fresh snowfall -- our first White Christmas in the Seattle area in a very long time (although the News insisted that there was measurable snowfall at Sea-Tac just last year, it doesn't count in my book!). It was so much fun to watch Hayden come downstairs first thing and light up at the sight of his new Radio Flyer Wagon. He probably would have been content for the rest of the day just riding around the living room in it, climbing in and out of it, pulling and pushing it all over. It was a BIG hit!

But eventually, we were able to convince him to open some other presents from Santa. He was great at ripping off the paper and getting excited about whatever was inside. He loved Elmo Live and the old-fashioned top toy.

Then it was off to my Aunt Teri's house in Black Diamond, WA for more Christmas festivities. The snow was coming down hard and on top of the already 6+ inches from previous days' snowfalls, some of the side roads on the way were pretty nasty. Luckily, they were no match for our Subaru Outback and we made it there safely. Actually, it was quite a breathtaking scene.

My sister brought Cinnabons and my Aunt made all kinds of delicious brunch food, and I brought my home-made Chex Mix. My Aunt's favorite holiday is Christmas and she loves to spoil everyone with thoughtful and generous gifts. Hayden loved his Fisher Price cash register, clock, and toy vacuum. She also got our family a membership to the Woodland Park Zoo, which I know we will really enjoy once the weather permits. We had to miss out on their 15-lb Prime Rib dinner feast for 16 people (with more friends and family) so we could meet up with Phil's family in Kirkland for the rest of the day and evening.

The snow plows hadn't made it down the neighborhood streets at Phil's parent's house, so that part of the drive was the most exciting all day. His brother's cars both were stuck at the base of the driveway and our car even got a little stuck briefly. (Phil thoroughly enjoyed the challenge!)

The Lott House was full with all Phil's brothers and their families so the present-opening portion of the afternoon was pretty crazy, pausing just to pose for photos and yelling a "thank you" across the room! But this chaos is all part of Christmas fun. Hayden got some adorable outfits from Grandma and Grandpa and a bunch of other great books and toys from Aunts and Uncles.

Hayden managed to take a brief late afternoon nap while we enjoyed a nice steak dinner prepared by Phil's parents. Unfortunately, Hayden awoke as we were all finishing dinner and was really upset. Maybe because the nap was short or he was disoriented when he woke up in an unfamiliar place, but he cried through his dinner and took a lot of cuddling and consoling to calm down. It was a busy, overwhelming day, so I can't say I blame him, but it was unusual behavior. We decided to call it a night and head home around 8pm.

The next evening we spent with my Dad and his family. My step-mom Augusta prepared a delicious Brazilian feast and I think my stomach reached full capacity before my 2nd helping! They gave Hayden a new Tricycle so Phil and my sister's new boyfriend, Matt, spent some time putting it together and then Hayden raced all around their house on it. They have a great house for tricycle racing!

Because of the snow, the UPS and FedEx trucks had a difficult time making their rounds throughout our area, and Christmas gifts from grandparents across the States keep trickling in. It's fun for Hayden and he enjoys the continual Christmas! In fact, Christmas for us has been a lot like Hanukkah since it's been giong on for 8+ days!

Phil was off work all week between Christmas and New Years so we enjoyed spending lots of time together as a family and I enjoyed the extra help with Hayden. The temperatures warmed and it rained on Sunday so most of the snow melted away. Pretty while it lasted, but nice to have safer driving conditions again. Also good because my Mom and Step-Dad flew into town from Michigan on Monday the 29th.

They gave Hayden a wonderful little table and chairs set that Phil and I put together once we got our tree out of the living room. Hayden loves sitting at his table to read books, work on puzzles, or just look out the big windows at the trucks and cars that go by. We spent a lot of time with my parents shopping, eating, and relaxing at home. Phil and I even got to go on a date to a movie while Hayden stayed with Grandma and Grandpa! We had a low-key New Year's Eve, playing games and watching Indiana Jones with my parents. I think we were all in bed and asleep by 12:10! Which was just fine by me, since most of my friends are parents too and doing the same thing at their homes.

My parent's visit seemed too short, as usual, and they caught a flight home on January 2nd. Hopefully we'll see them again soon.

I only have one New Year's Resolution this year: Keep a cleaner house! The only time I clean is when my parent's come to visit. So I guess they just need to visit more often!

Wishing everyone a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2009!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Great recap, Jacqui! I love Hayden's new wagon.