Friday, October 29, 2010

Exploding Vocabulary

Before I forget, I wanted to take a moment to write down all the words that Brooklyn is saying now. It's so fun to hear her talking. She is much more of a babbler than Hayden was, and she tries to mimic things Hayden, Phil, or I say. I really need to get the video camera out soon! Here are some of her "first words":

- Truck
- Cookie
- Cheese
- Daddy
- Hi
- Ball
- Bubble
- Go
- Off
- Ick
- No
- Mom (not "Mommy"!)
- Teeth
- Shoe
- Up
- A-goo-goo (what she calls babies)

She also likes to make animal sounds: Horse, duck, dog, and cat.

And her other new favorite trick is pointing to all the different parts of her face - she knows: eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, cheeks, chin, ears, hair. She likes to play this game during meal-time. With food all over her hands. :)

Video coming soon. Of course, as soon as I get the camera out, little princess Brooklyn will decide she is NOT a performer!

1 comment:

David Breeding said...

Obviously, you have another extraordinary child. She is sweet, beautiful and talented just like her mom and dad. Thanks for keeping all of us updated. Enjoy your new "digs" too! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. GPD