Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Brooklyn is Walking!

I'd say her official first steps were on June 21st. Four steps, to be exact. My little over-achiever! Every day she is getting better and doing more. It's all about confidence! She cruises the furniture and lets go and stands all on her own really well. If I entice her with something she really wants (like my poor, drool-drenched phone!) then she will take a few steps on her own.

Hayden walked at 13 1/2 months, so Brooklyn not even 11 months old caught us a little by surprise. Coincidentally, Hayden walked right around Fourth of July weekend also, in 2008. I find that interesting that now Brooklyn is about the same place, the same week, 2 years later.

We tried to capture it on video last week without success. But finally today, I caught her in action (which is really hard to do on my own today while Phil is at work!). Check it out!


Katie said...

I love her shaking her head "No!" Too cute, and Hayden squealing, even better. Finally a couple of steps! Yay Brooklyn!!!

Marit said...

Can't help but smile watching those! I can't believe that she's SO early to walk...but I'm sure having a busy big brother to chase after helps keep her motivated! TOO CUTE!

Nina said...

that was adorable Jacqui!! thanks for making and sharing the video. way to go Brooklyn and way to go Mama :)