Friday, November 20, 2009

Hayden's 2 & 1/2 Birthday

When I was growing up, my family celebrated 'half birthdays'. It was nowhere near the hoopla of a real birthday, but it was an anticipated special day nonetheless. My half-birthday is technically February 30th, which doesn't ever exist, so we'd have to celebrate on Feb 28th. Usually all it entails is a special dinner and dessert with just our immediate family, a card (with a little "half" squeezed in between the words "Happy Birthday" on the card), some small gift or flowers, and a couple Lotto scratch cards (don't ask me how that tradition started!) Even to this day, I mentally anticipate my half-birthday (even though my last celebrated half birthday was 15 & 1/2 (when I got my driver's permit!). Bummer. ;)

I thought it was a good idea, though, since for a child, a whole year between your Special Day is quite a long time. Phil never celebrated half birthdays growing up, but once I explained it to him, he was on board to start the tradition for our kids. It's always so cute when you ask a kid how old they are and they answer "TWO AND A HALF!" because that "HALF" is a big deal!

So today, November 20th, was Hayden's 2 & 1/2 birthday. We went to the Toy Store and he picked out a metal 50s Chevy Pick-Up Truck. I was surprisingly able to convince him not to get the garbage truck, which seemed poorly made and surely would break easily. He added it to his collection. Not like he needs more, yesterday we lined up all his vehicles on our table:

He sure LOVES cars, trucks, and trains! He knows the difference between a "hummer" and an "SUV" and a "Jeep", has an Army Truck, a Monster Truck, and a Garbage Truck, among his favorites. And if a truck has a "Spare Wheel" or a hitch on the back, that is very exciting! If it pulls a trailer, that is a bonus, too! He loves to lay with his head at eye level to watch the wheels and roll the vehicles back and forth. He tells you that Daddy drives an "SVT" (which he has a small model replica of!) and Mommy drives an "Outback" and Uncle Adam drives a "Jetta Wagon". He can point out these types of cars when we are out driving on the road. It's amazing.

Before dinner, he (and Brooklyn!) watched an episode of SuperWhy! If you look closely, you can see his new red pickup in his hands.

For dinner, Phil brought home Red Robin takeout (seems to be the easiest way for our family to enjoy a restaurant meal these days) and Hayden got a half a cheeseburger, in keeping with the theme!

We also determined a few months ago that his half birthday was going to mark the day Hayden stops getting a pacifier. To ease this potentially painful process, we borrowed a strategy from the Supernanny. She has toddlers send them to the "Paci-Fairy" who leaves a special prize for the pacifiers. So we rounded up all the pacifiers - 5 - and set up a magic pacifier box that transformed his 5 pacifiers into 5 Matchbox cars and trucks (I left out the part about "Paci-Fairies" - I'm still debating whether I want to make up certain fictitious characters... Kind of seems like lying to your kids... Guess I better decide where I stand before Santa season!! ...).

He seemed to think that was a pretty awesome trade. Although, here it is 9:30pm and he is still chatting away in bed... Hmmm...

Earlier in the day, I made a half cake (and cupcakes with the leftover batter). After dinner, we sang "Happy Half Birthday" and he blew out his 2 and a half candles.

He "blows" by saying "FFFFFffffffff" with all his might. It's adorable. He really enjoyed his cake (with M&Ms!!) so maybe that's also partly why he's still awake!

And since I've been so Camera-Happy the past couple days, here are some extra bonus pictures of adorable Brooklyn:

1 comment:

Annie said...

I love this! What a great tradition! We always acknowledge half bdays, but we don't do all of the "half" extra touches-- great ideas, Jacqui!
Hayden is so cute with all of his car knowledge :) It is quite impressive!