Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brooklyn 3 Months

So I'm obviously not doing the week-by-week updates that I did for Hayden, but I already feel like Brooklyn's infancy is whizzing by like a bullet train, and I better stop once in a while to record these times.

With your 2nd baby, it's so hard not to compare them to your first. So here are some statements about Brooklyn, and if you knew Hayden as a baby too, you can guess what is similar and different.
  • She is close to being able to roll over.
  • She grabs at things and pulls them to her mouth. I think she's teething already.
  • She cries when she is tired and is hard to console.
  • She is having a really tough time sleeping longer than 45 minutes, and is a really light sleeper.
  • She VERY RARELY sleeps in the car.
  • She often cries in the car.
  • She likes to eat every 2-3 hours, and fusses if we offer her a bottle.
  • She spits up sometimes, but just a little bit.
  • She prefers to sleep on her tummy, in the bouncy seat in our bathroom with the fan on and lights out, or in bed snuggled up next to me.
  • She doesn't like to be swaddled, at least not with her arms in.
  • She doesn't really like her pacifier. She'd much prefer her fingers or fist, if she could just get the coordination down.
  • When she's not tired or hungry, she is pretty mellow.
  • She 'talks' adorable coos and high-pitched squeals.
  • She has cradle cap, but it's getting much better with the help of olive oil before bathtime.
  • She may have a dairy allergy/sensitivity. I'm off the elimination diet and we're watching her BM's closely.
  • She outgrew all her 3 month size clothes and weighs around 17 lbs now. Sizes 6-9 Months fit perfectly!
  • As much as I was excited about "pink", I think she looks really good in purple
  • She likes to stare at the ceiling fan.
Hayden is doing so much better lately with Brooklyn. He asks to hold her and is very gentle when he does. Then he promptly asks me to hold her!

He likes to gently touch the top of her head and then does his "that tickles" giggle. He is surprisingly good at using his whisper voice when she is sleeping. In the car when she is crying hysterically, he seems to be tuning it out better and doesn't start crying, too. He'll mimmick her cry sometimes, but not be truly upset. Here is a cute photo of Brooklyn "tackling" her big brother:

1 comment:

Annie said...

Cute! She really is growing so fast! I love the picture of Hayden holding her! She has a great expression on her face.
You are right, she does look great in purple :)