Monday, September 14, 2009

Doin' the Puyallup

We had a great time last weekend at the Puyallup Fair (pronounced "Pyoo-al-Up" for those out-of-towners). The Fair is an annual tradition not to be missed! Last year, the weather was rainy and Hayden was too young to enjoy it, but this year we had beautiful weather and he was captivated by the people, food, animals, and rides. It was fun to experience this with him.

Brooklyn slept in the Moby the entire time. My mom said I experienced the Puyallup Fair in 1980 when I was 2 weeks old. So here we are, carrying a family tradition!

Given Hayden's tendency to be afraid of motorized ride-on toys, I wasn't sure if he'd go on a ride, but he gave and enthusiastic "Yes! Yes!" when we asked him if he wanted to ride on the cars that go around a grassy track. I thought for sure once it became his turn to get in the car, he'd have a change of heart, especially once he realized Mommy can't go on it with him, and he has to go with some other strange kid, but I was very proud when he got in, sat down, followed the operators instructions, and held onto the steering wheel. For the duration of each ride, he had the most serious expression and didn't smile or say anything, and Phil and I were cracking up at his intensity. When he got off the ride, he wouldn't stop talking about it and saying "Vvvvroom" and "Go Ba-pow" (Ba-Pow is his word for "fast"). He especially liked the ATV ride. Check out the video:

Hayden was also in heaven at the John Deere Tractor booth. I've never seen so many John Deer products! They even had salt & pepper shakers!

It's purely coincidence that Hayden's outfit perfectly matches the John Deere brand colors! :)

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