Sunday, May 3, 2009

Funny Kid

Just a couple funny stories about Hayden so I don't forget and can look back on them when I need a good laugh:

So... Hayden likes to look at our photo albums. Mostly the pictures of the red toy Jeep at Grandma's and the elephant that went "poopy" at the zoo. So it took me a minute to understand what was so special about this picture:

He was pointing to his face and making the sound he makes for a cat's "meow". Every time he'd go to this picture, point and "Meow". When then I realized, he was pointing to the shadow on his face and our cat's name is "Shadow"!! I was really impressed that he connected the 2 words. I guess that is pretty confusing, though, if I point out "there's a shadow on your face" and he isn't seeing our black cat!

So another funny story: The other evening I was really sick and camped out on the couch. I was flipping through the channels and Top Gun was on TV. It was just at the part where the "Take my Breath Away" music was coming on and Phil said, "This was always the part my parents made us fast-forward." (Because it is the steamy make-out scene with Tom Cruise in Kelly McGillis's bedroom.) We thought Hayden was completely immersed in playing with his car, but just as "Maverick" and Kelly go in for a big smooch, Hayden pops up from behind his car and goes, "Mmwaa" -- which is his sound for kiss. It was so hysterical that he totally understood that they were kissing, and that Phil had JUST commented about how it wasn't an appropriate scene for kids! Wow, now you all know why I am usually neurotic about having the tv on around Hayden! Phil and I were laughing so hard our sides hurt.


Grandma Judi said...

That's my genius grandson!

Katie said...

That is way too funny! Sensor, sensor, sensor... It's funny what Grandmas and Grandpas sensored for their own kids and that the same things are okay for your kids now. They don't think about it as often now I guess.