Monday, April 20, 2009

UW Cherry Blossoms

It has become an annual tradition for our family to visit the University of Washington campus when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. We had the most perfect weather on Sunday for a wonderful morning in "The Quad" followed by a picnic lunch. Hayden did not like climbing in the trees, but he sure loved running all over and climbing on the brick steps. It was really fun to play with our digital SLR camera. We took hundreds of photos, but it would take too long to post them (and view them!), so here are a few select photos from the day:




Annie said...

What a great tradition! Your pictures are so beautiful!

Ooh, look, your baby countdown is almost to 100!

Jacqui Lott said...

Ooh! Thanks for pointing that out! I hadn't updated it since my due date was changed from August 6 to July 28th! Yay, now it says 96 days left! Of course, Brooklyn will probably still decide to come on 8/6! :) Ha!