Sunday, March 8, 2009

Snow in March and other happenings

Yesterday was March 7th. I left home around 7:30pm to go to the grocery store and got caught in the most torrential hail storm/lightening storm/snow storm I have ever experienced! Needless to say, it was a terrifying driving experience. Cars were sliding all over the road and I had to change my route several times due to blocked roads or stopped traffic. Lightening flashed and thunder roared almost simultaneously before my eyes, meaning the storm was very near! Hail was coming down so hard I couldn't see the car 10 feet in front of me. I made it to the store safely and quickly got what I needed. When I left, it had stopped hailing and was just lightly snowing, but the roads were a mess. A layer of about an inch or 2 of hail/snow/ice covered the roads and I had to maneuver my way around sideways cars and buses all over the road just to get up the hills and home. A bus was completely sideways on the wrong side of the street going up the main road to our neighborhood. At one point, I thought I was going to need to pull over and walk about a 1/2 mile home because a few cars were sliding backwards down the hill in front of me and it looked like they were going to block the only access home. Fortunately, they were able to back down safely and pull to the side and I was able to make it up just fine. I LOVE MY SUBARU!!

The next morning, the snow had pretty much turned to slush and by mid-afternoon had almost completely melted. What weird weather! Guess I should watch the news more often, but I don't even know if they predicted this! I certainly wouldn't have risked my safety to go to the grocery store if I had known!

Here are some pictures of Hayden enjoying the giant snowball in our front yard that some other kids made:

Earlier this month, Hayden enjoyed playing at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They have a kid-sized Jeep for the grandkids that Hayden enjoyed pushing, but not really riding in, yet. The motor noise kind of scared him.

And here are just some other random photos from earlier this month:

Hayden likes to help Mommy cook.

Hayden has a very busy social life.

Hayden with our very good friends, Perry and Lisa Travis. Perry was our youth pastor and marriage officiant. He and Lisa also did our pre-marriage counseling and Lisa was our doula at Hayden's birth. Very special people!

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