Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day 2008

I don't know if the day could have been any better. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed a nice balance of activity and relaxation. The day started off with a blueberry pancake breakfast and then Phil went out on a drive with his brothers and dad. They explored some twisty roads and stopped for coffee. They are all car nuts and Phil's twin brother, Adam, just got a new motorcycle! Hayden and I hung out at home and prayed that Daddy would return home safe and ticket-free! :)

After a nice lunch and mid-day nap, we met up with Phil's family at the Woodland Park Zoo. I haven't been to the Woodland Park Zoo since probably when my niece was 3 or something. She's 15 now. Hayden really enjoyed the animals that were close enough to see and moving. He loved the Sloth Bear, the Orangutan, the Elephants, the Flamingoes and the Goats. We didn't have time to make it into the Tropical section where they have the monkeys, so we'll have to make another trip to the museum soon and I'm sure he'll love those too. He was pointing and saying "Ba" or "da" or his new favorite sound, "Jgjhjghgjh". He was a little frustrated by all the in and out of his stroller. It was hard for him to see anything in his stroller. Boy, that kid is getting heavy!

There's also a cool area in the Zoo called the Zoomazium. Hayden loved the fish tank and the drums in there, while his older cousins climbed all around on a giant tree house. Here's some video of Hayden drumming with Daddy:

We ended the evening with a big family meal at our place. Phil grilled up some Choice Steaks and we enjoyed some more time with Phil's family watching the Lakers beat the Celtics in the NBA Finals. Hayden was so exhausted from the thrill of the zoo he zonked out for the night around 7:30pm. Good food, good wine, good times.

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