Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Festivities

PART 1: Jubilee Farm

So we managed to get another beautiful afternoon and even more amazingly - free time! so Hayden and I drove out to another pumpkin patch called Jubilee Farm. The nice thing about this place, as opposed to Remlinger, is that it's entirely FREE and wasn't crowded at all (although we were there about a half hour before closing on a Tuesday afternoon, so that probably had a lot to do with it.)

Hayden loved exploring around the grounds. There was a great big new John Deere tractor he circled over and over.

Then we rode the hay wagon out to the fields to pick out a pumpkin. To be honest, I didn't care much about the pumpkin, what I wanted were some nice photos of Hayden in the pumpkin patch. Unfortunately, Hayden's been super clingy to me lately, especially in strange places, and he did not like to be out of my reach out in the field. So, most of the photos I got of him are all close-up, but some turned out pretty nice. He was especially intrigued by a bright orange pumpkin flower.

One thing I didn't think through very well was how I was going to carry Hayden, huge vine clippers, AND a pumpkin back to the wagon stop. It was quite a challenge! Hayden refused to walk, and the uneven ground was covered in tall grass and vines, so it was not the best for a toddler anyway. When I did make him walk, he kept falling down.

Then when we almost made it back, I found a perfect pumpkin and thought it would be fun to have a 2nd for Daddy. What was I thinking?! We get back to the barn to pay for our pumpkins, but to get off the hay wagon with our 2 pumpkins and Hayden, I had to get Hayden off first, set him on the ground, then quickly grab the 2 pumpkins up off the wagon. I turned my back for 5 seconds and the next thing I hear is a big splash and then a wimpering yell. Hayden had bolted around to the side of the wagon (no doubt to see the wheels!) and landed in a HUGE mud puddle. It was ankle-deep mud and water, he had mud all over his legs up to his chest. Thankfully he didn't get his face in it at all, but of course his hands did as he caught his fall. The only water available to rinse him off a bit was the ice cold water for washing off pumpkins. If falling in a mud puddle wasn't bad enough, that was the tops! So I quickly paid for the pumpkins while he's wet and upset (but actually not crazy crying, just kind of whimpering), carried him back to the car (getting covered in mud myself) and changed him into the spare set of clothes from the diaper bag. OOPS. The clothes I never have needed to use, so it was a short-sleeve onesie a size too small, and lightweight pants. Note to self: stock the diaper bag with appropriate back-up clothes! So at least I got him out of the wet, muddy clothes! I got him in the car, blasted the heat, ran back for our pumpkins and got out of there!

Wow. What an adventure! I have so much appreciation for single moms. The whole day would have been so much easier with Phil there too. But you know what? Hayden is fine. And we have 2 great pumpkins. And priceless memories, even if they weren't the Kodak moments I was hoping for.

Part 2: Baby Loves Disco

On Saturday the 25th, we went to Club Heaven in Pioneer Square (a nightclub-area of Seattle) for the Baby Loves Disco Boo Bash. It was a Halloween theme so all the kids were in costume and even some parents. One family was the whole Simpson's family with really great costumes. Hayden dressed as Yoda, courtesy of Grandma Judi. I threw on a pair of cat ears last-minute to get in the spirit of things (Hayden saw me and said his high-pitched "Maw!" - SO cute!)

It was strange to be inside a nightclub with all these families. They even had the bar open if the adults wanted. The music was fun, there were fun lights, bubble machines, and musical shaker instruments for the kids. It was a really cool idea, except that the place was so PACKED. It was almost impossible to take a step without having to watch the toddlers all over banging into all the adults' knees. And at first, Hayden was just overwhelmed and clinging tightly to my neck. He loved the bubbles and shakers, and love getting up on Daddy's shoulders for a great view.

It got really hot with all the people dancing around, so his costume needed to go. There was also a side room they called "The Chill-Out Room" with pillows, books, toys, and seating areas.

Our friends Rachel and Jason with their baby Taylor also came. Taylor was dressed as a shark and Rachel was a surfer chick. It was nice to have some friends there because frankly after about 20 minutes, I would have been ready to go.

There was a nice snack spread for the kids with apple slices, cheese, and stuff, so Hayden and Taylor enjoyed munching on all that while we got a cool spot in a seating area above the dance floor. Overall, it was a fun time, but probably not worth the admission price ($12 each!).

Part 3: Green Halloween Festival

OK, so as if Baby Loves Disco wasn't enough stimulation for one day, when we got home, our neighborhood's "Green Halloween Festival" was going on just a block away at the park, so we just HAD to go check it out. Hayden was getting kind of crabby, but he enjoyed being outside. There were all kinds of festivities: Hay maze, pony rides, giant inflatable slide, bounce house, real bunnies & ginnea pigs to pet, music and popcorn (no candy at a "Green Halloween". Lame.).

Everyone we passed thought Hayden's Yoda costume was so adorable. I have to agree!

But alas, all good things must come to an end.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Remlinger Farms

On Saturday the weather was beautiful so Phil and I took Hayden to Remlinger Farms. It was the first weekend of their Fall Harvest Festival.

He did not like the lines. Since the weather was so nice and it was the first weekend of the festival, the place was packed. We almost didn't even go because admission is $15.25 per person, including any children over 1. I think that stinks that even the kiddos get charged the same price. Lines and over-priced admission were the 2 low-points of the farm. The rest was great.

When we first entered the farm, there was an old school bus and an old fire engine, full size for the kids to climb all in and out of. Hayden was in heaven!

Then we went on a pony ride. Hayden wasn't so sure about riding the horse. When I first put him on, he was fine, but once the pony started walking, he got kind of freaked out and wanted off. So I carried him for a little bit and we walked along side the pony until he got more comfortable. Then I tried putting him back on the pony and he loved it! It took us around a little trail through tall bushes, and when the ride was over, he continued rocking on the horse and making his horse noise. So cute!

The sad part is that I lost his hat somewhere on that little trail and the horse people weren't being very cooperative in letting me look for it, so the rest of the day he went without a hat. :(

After the ponies, Hayden went on this little canoe ride that he didn't seemed too thrilled with. He was just a little confused about the experience. By the time he got comfortable with it, the ride was over.

Then we went on the steam-train ride that went all around the park for about a 15 minute loop. Hayden really enjoyed that! The train blew steam and tooted the horn several times. Remlinger Farms did a nice job setting up little scenes along the train ride, almost like a Pirates of the Caribbean-type ride. At the end it went through a dark tunnel with glowing eyes on the wall and surprisingly, Hayden wasn't scared at all! Of course we talked to him, held him close, and laughed about the "scary" things so hopefully that helped.

We also did the petting zoo and met up with a family from PEPS and had lunch with them. Hayden wasn't all that interested in the petting zoo animals. He was fine to look at them, but didn't want to touch them. He did like his first cheeseburger and fries, though!

Phil took Hayden into this big hay pit for some fun jumping. Under the hay was a trampoline-type surface so it was super bouncy and all the kids in there were having so much fun rolling jumping around in all the hay.

After lunch, we waited in another long line to ride on the antique car ride. Hayden got to drive the car and thought that was very cool! By the end of the ride we could tell he'd had just about enough fun for the day. Even though it was sunny, he was very cold (especially without his hat!), it was about an hour past his nap time, and he was losing patience with long lines. So we called it quits and headed home.

There was a lot more we could have done, but didn't have the time. We missed getting a nice family photo or any shots of Hayden with the pumpkins. He really protested posing for the camera since there were so many fun things to do and explore. I don't blame him! We still need to get pumpkins, so maybe we'll go to another pumpkin patch (that's free!) to get pumpkins and photo-ops before Halloween.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September Photos

September had some amazingly beautiful days. Typical Seattle to tease us like that, but now it's October 1st, and in my book, summer is officially over.

Here are some photos from September:

Swinging at the park

Jumping in the Bounce House at our friend Aria's 4th Birthday party

Fun with a straw

Got milk?

At the lake on a sunny day

At the Puyallup Fair on a rainy day

At the Puyallup Fair, not getting to enjoy any rides because you have to be over 2 years old for EVERYTHING. :(

It's not a leash, it's a monkey backpack with a conveniently long tail... really...

Cute outfit from Brazil from Grandma Augusta.