Thursday, July 31, 2008

Nursing Update

Disclaimer: While breastfeeding is a wonderfully natural part of motherhood, I realize not everyone enjoys reading all the details about my experience. If that's the case, you need not read on.

So it looks like breastfeeding Hayden has come to an end. Before vacation, I was down to just nursing him in the morning and pumping in the evening and supplementing the rest with formula. My milk supply was rapidly dwindling. On vacation, I brought the handheld pump and couldn't even get 3 oz. total each evening after 20 minutes of pumping. My hand was sore and that's really not a fun way to spend an evening on vacation. I've pumped a few times since we've been home and can't even get 2 oz. out now. In the mornings, my let-down can take up to 5 minutes and Hayden is usually too impatient to wait for it. And lately, when the milk finally lets down, he sometimes gags and coughs like it's poison. Maybe the taste has changed or he's just getting so used to all formula now that the breastmilk tastes bad to him. I am down to just a 5 oz frozen bag and then we'll be done. If my milk come backs or I get engorged, then I will pump and add that milk to formula for him to benefit from the nutritive content.

I have mixed feelings about it. I wanted to nurse Hayden as long as possible. Breastmilk is SO beneficial for a baby, and the World Health Organization recommends all babies be breastfed until age 2. Most of the moms I know were happy to make it to 1 year. That was my goal originally, too, until Hayden had that whole issue with dairy. Hayden can't just go to whole milk or even regular formula. He has to have a special hypoallergenic formula that is $30 a week! Breastmilk is FREE!! :) Not to mention much better for him too! But what can I do? My milk is drying up, and he doesn't want to nurse.

We have started slowly introducing some dairy into Hayden's diet. Starting last week, he had some yogurt made with Whole Milk. Something about the chemical properties of yogurt makes it have less cow's milk protein and therefore least likely to cause a reaction. The yogurt seems to be going fine, so tonight, he had a tiny bit of cheddar cheese on his egg & spinach scramble. Since it can take up to 3 weeks for his colon to become so inflamed it bleeds, we may not know he has issues with dairy until we see blood in his diapers again. So we are taking things very slowly and in very small amounts. The goal is to have him drinking whole milk by 18 months.

The upside to weaning is that now I can eat dairy ALL I WANT!! And wine, and anything else I want! I'm sure I'm about to gain 10 lbs on the cheesecake, quesadillas, and milkshakes I been deprived of for the past 10 months! I already treated myself to the tiny bag of Cadbury Mini-Eggs I stored up since Easter as a reward for avoiding dairy all this time. Yum! And last night for dinner I had lobster Mac n'Cheese. Yes, I need to be very careful or start going to Stroller Strides 6 times a week!

And finally, the biggest plus of all... no more pumping. My breasts can belong to me again and I won't feel so much like a cow (until I gain all that weight! Haha!).

Sorry there are no photos for this post.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Barnett/Breeding Family Reunion

July 12th - 19th 2008
Lake Odessa, Michigan

Phil, Hayden, and I attended my step-dad Mark's big family reunion last week. His cousin ("Uncle Dick") owns a beautiful home on Jordan Lake and about 40 relatives came out this year for the reunion. It was a week of awesome watersports, games & activities, fabulous food, and catching up with extended family. And even though I'm just a step-relative, I could not have felt more welcome by all the wonderful Barnett & Breeding family. We enjoyed introducing Hayden to everyone! Even Mark's parents (Grandpa David and Grandma Marilyn who live in LA) had not met him yet, so it was wonderful to have this opportunity.

Click here for the Shutterfly photos. Read below for the details:

So... As I expected, the flight out to Michigan was pretty challenging and exhausting. Hayden fought off a much-needed nap and wrestled around on our laps. He'd sit still and read a book or play with a toy for a few minutes, but then there were some moments that seemed like torture. He wasn't even interested in the portable DVD player -- except that he wanted to push all the buttons, and when we wouldn't let him, that just made him more mad! It was especially interesting trying to change a poopy diaper in the plane's cramped lavatory with no changing table. I did a wall sit with my back against the door and laid him on the top of the toilet lid and across my thighs. I guess those killer wall sits we have to do in Stroller Strides paid off! :) Thankfully, Hayden wasn't nearly as squirmy as he usually is when I change his diaper, and after a good hand-washing, I was actually a little impressed with the two of us for pulling that off. Then, of course, just as the plane landed in Detroit, Hayden finally fell asleep in my arms! But he awoke as soon as I put him in the car seat in my mom's car. He's probably the only baby I know that doesn't like to sleep in cars!

We spent Sunday at my mom and step-dad's house in Ann Arbor and then on Monday we all drove to the reunion about 2 hours away, near Grand Rapids. My mom, step-dad, little sister, Phil, Hayden and I stayed in a cottage on the lake about 1/4 mile away from Uncle Dick's house. I had hoped we could get away with Hayden just taking 1 nap a day, but he was clearly tired and needing a morning nap every day, so we'd stay at the cottage until after lunch and then spent the afternoons and evenings at Uncle Dick's. Hayden thankfully took his afternoon nap in the Pack n' Play at Uncle Dick's house and usually they were 2+ hour naps (I was pleasantly surprised with his ability to sleep in a foreign environment), so that was great time for Phil and I to get out on the boat. They have a new MasterCraft boat designed for wakeboarding and "surfing", so Phil was thrilled! I even got to go wakeboarding a couple times! We hadn't been since we sold our wakeboard when Phil's parents sold their ski boat a few years ago. Luckily, Phil and I picked it back up quickly and even did a few sweet jumps and some not-so-sweet face plants. Phil also enjoyed trying the surfing.

They also have a Sea-Doo and a Hoby-Cat sailboat, which Phil and my step-dad took out one windy afternoon.

Hayden didn't really enjoy the boat or swimming in the lake. On the boat, he didn't like having to wear the snug-fitting life jacket, and the lake water was a bit too cold for his liking. There was a great inflatable pool in the yard and that is where he preferred to play. He also enjoyed their big swing hanging from a large tree and just walking all over their huge grassy yard. He quickly became a very good walker because he skinned his knees on the brick patio on the first day and after that, didn't like to crawl anymore.

Hayden experienced an unfortunate accident on Tuesday morning. We were eating breakfast and all of the sudden he tipped forward in his portable high chair seat and slammed his face on the dining table. Apparently, someone forgot to strap the seat down to the chair when it had been brought in the night before, and we didn't realize it wasn't strapped down when we put him in it the next morning. He got a bloody nose, and a cut under the end of his nose, cried hysterically for a few minutes, and then was fine. I think Phil and I were more shook up than Hayden. Luckily Phil and I both caught him before he hit all the way to the floor. Big lesson learned. Always check the straps!

Wednesday evening we did the 10' Banana Split tradition. Only this year, with so many people, it was actually more like 20 feet. There were at least 4 picnic tables end-to-end holding rain gutters (new) full of banana split heaven. Yum! And I'm so glad I'm not restricting my dairy intake anymore so I could dig in! I even let Hayden have some banana (no ice cream for him, yet!)

It was nice to have the help from my mom on vacation. A couple of the nights, I would put Hayden to bed back at the cottage and my mom stayed with him there and then I went back to Uncle Dick's for s'mores around the campfire. It was fun to be around all my second cousins (is that what they are?). Many of them are married now and starting families, too. The last time I saw most of them, I was 15 or so. We've all changed a lot since then! One night a big group of us "30 & under generation" went to see the midnight premier of Batman: The Dark Night. We got home at 3:30am but it was worth it! Considering Phil and I haven't been to many movie theaters at all lately, it was a special treat. And thanks to Red Bull, Phil managed to stay awake during the entire movie! :)

Friday evening, we had a Wedding Shower and Baby Shower for 2 of the second cousins.

And have I mentioned the Sky Ride? It's hard to explain. Watch the video:

The weather was beautiful every day except the last day when it rained all day. Phil got sunburned on his shoulders, but Hayden and I didn't even get a tan I was so careful about sun protection! Phil and I got some mosquito bites, but Hayden went to bed before they got too bad, so I didn't notice any on him.

The flight home was slightly better because Hayden fell asleep for the last hour of the flight. Oh, and we sat next to Brad Goode, King 5 Morning News Anchor, on the flight home. Nice guy. His wife and 4-year old daughter were in the row behind us and they were all nice and supportive of Hayden's occasional crabbiness.

I have to say, as much fun as it was to see all the family and enjoy the lake, it's good to be home. It's not a true "vacation" for me when my full-time job comes with me! Being away from home is certainly more challenging and required a lot of planning. But Hayden is such a joy, I really can't complain. Surprisingly, I didn't forget to pack anything, and we even managed to check just one bag per person and one carry-on each. Hayden adjusted pretty easily back to the 3-hour time zone change and seems happy to be home with his own toys and crib.

Next up: An overnight retreat without Hayden for the first time. Our 9-year wedding anniversary is coming up so Phil and I are planning a little weekend get-away in August.